Tuesday 2 February 2021

Closing Up A Few Mistakes


I finally got something done that I have been putting off for a long time.

My old YouTube channel, re-titled The Driveteer, hasn't seen any new content since the last posted video, which was way back in July of 2020. It was around that time I was putting more effort to rejuvenate Behind The Wheel Experience and go forward with real life vehicles and leave those in the virtual worlds behind.

I admit, I made a ton of mistakes that pretty much killed off my old channel, such as switching content, renaming the channel and just trying to take it into a new direction that scared off some subscribers. The low view counts on the latter videos confirmed that people weren't really interested in what I was doing.
However, I decided to craft a "farewell address" of sorts, tying things up in my mind and putting an offer out there for any loyal viewers who have been waiting for me to come back a direction to go in.